Wednesday 2 March 2011


Pup-tro Maxiwoof, was the twin brother to the Scarlet Bitch. He had originally began his Super canine career as a villain.  (see yesterdays entry about THE SCARLET BITCH)

He saw that joining the Avenging Hounds would be good to help make up for the bad deeds that he had done under the control of  Mutt-neto, and to help prove to the world that not all Mutt-ants were bad puppies.

He and Wanda had turned down membership from Pupfessor Rex to join his X-Mutts as they had felt that the distrust that the X-Mutts had for them was too hard shake off.   Well, you cannot really blame Cycpups and his Team . as Wanda & Pup-tro had tried to kill them on the orders of Mutt-neto on more than one occasion. 

Joining the Avenging Hounds was good for the twins, it gave them the respectability they had lacked in the past.

Quick Slobber's power was that he was able to  move at super sonic speeds.  this was a great benefit to the new roster of the Avenging Hounds.  However, he was a very impatient Mutt, as he felt that life around him was too slow, and wanted everyone to live life at his speed.  Canine America was able to control the Speedy Doggie up to a point, and help teach him to slow down.

Pup-tro stayed with the Avenging Hounds for many years, coming and going as some members do.  He found love in the  arms of a member of the In-canines, a hidden race of Super Powered dogs from the Himalayas. Without his constant control, Wanda became able to blossom, and soon she found love. When Pup-tro found out he was against her relationship, and forbid her to marry her lover. The Viz-Hound

For the first time in her life The Scarlet Witch stood up to her brother and told her Twin that she would no longer be controlled by him, or any other.

Pup-tro, told her that he wanted nothing more to do with her if she continued any relationship with The Viz-Hound.  This rift between them continued for many years, but even though they resolved their differences years later, the Twins relationship would never be the same again.

He later married his beloved Cys-tail and they both had a Daughter... however, Pup-tro's temper and attitude was his down fall, and he and his Daughters mother divorced.


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