Saturday, 25 February 2023

The Many looks of Jean Grey Part Six From the Flames a New Hero Appears.

 Now the next part of the Jean Grey saga goes a little bit off. There is the story told at the time, then there is the version that no one knew about for years. 

Yes Jean had saved the team by piloting  the damaged space shuttle back to Earth. However, not before the Craft being engulfed in the Biggest Radiation Storm ever.  Everyone else onboard were safe as the shuttle bay had some protection against the radiation. However, Jean was not protected.

Her landing was not perfect, as she crashed landed at Kennedy Air Port and skimmed along the runway and ended up in Jamaica Bay where the shuttle sank. The X-Men managed to escape, and whilst they bobbed up and down in the water they realised the Jean must have perished.

Then out of the water rocketed a Woman Dressed in Green and Gold, It was Jean. 

She announced   "Hear me X-Men, No Longer am I the Woman you Knew . I am Fire and Life Incarnate ! Now and Forever .... I AM PHOENIX  ! "

And with that Jean passed out and fell into the water.

This is my take on The Phoenix from X-Men 101 #

The First take on the Costume showed the Phoenix logo on her chest a little bit smaller that it would later become. But on the whole Phoenix would remain very much the same. 

Here is the same  version with a larger Logos each time. This seems to work better in a larger form. 

Next Time we see the other side of the Phoenix.

Until then  Enjoy.

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