Saturday, 28 November 2020

Yesterdays Heroes once more Part Thirty Three MONKEY BUSINESS

 Waiting onboard the Phantom Cruiser, Space Ghost and Crew watched as the Tardis Door opened.

Blip and moved closer to Space Ghost and appeared to be nervous

Space Ghost looked at Blip and gave him a reassuring smile.

Then from inside they got their first view of The Doctor

The Doctor waved as he exited his Tardis

"Hello Thaddeus" said the Doctor

Both of the Twins started to giggle. Only The Doctor ever called Space Ghost by his real name.

"Hello Doctor, its nice to see you again "  replied Space Ghost

By this time Blip was edging closer to The Doctor 
Blip then jumped up onto the Doctors Head and started to ruffle his hair.

"Get Down" Shouted Space Ghost

But Blip just kept on getting more and more excited and had started to Squeak loudly with joy

Space Ghost covered his eyes, due to the embarrassment  of Blips actions.

From inside the Tardis, Jack and Phooey heard shouting and strange Squeaking noise.

"Quick " Shouted Jack " The Doctor must have been attacked "  he continued 

They ran towards the open door, and looking out saw that The Doctor, had a Monkey on his head and was laughing as was two of the younger members of the crew. As for the man dressed in White me looked a little bit embarrassed. 

"Its alright " Said The Doctor..... "Blip is pleased to see me" he added

Phooey and Jack exited the Tardis, and where introduced to Space Ghost, Jace, Jan and Blip

" Is Jamie with you ? " asked Jan, who had a secret crush on the Young Scott

" Ah! said the Doctor.... "that is precisely why I am here !" he added.

The Doctor then explained that Jamie had been kidnapped by the Grand Master, who had challenged The Doctor to put together a team of "Players" to take on a Team that the Grand Master had also assembled that had not been reveled as of yet, but the Doctor knew they would be made up of very evil people.

As Doctor continued to chat with Space Ghost and his Crew Phooey and Jack had neglected to keep a careful watch on the Tardis Viewer Screen. If they had they would have seen a number of Space craft coming towards their location.  

What will happen ?  Find out next time

But until then Enjoy !


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