Originally a comic that became a weekly cartoon series for the young. The Teen aged Mutant Ninja Turtles ( in the UK the Ninja Turtles became Hero Turtles ) became an over night success..... and a marketers dream.
All boys and girls wanted to own their own Ninja Turtles, which resulted in pet shops selling many Terrapins to brow beaten parents trying their best to be GOOD PARENTS. The toys were great, but the kids wanted more.
This resulted in many UNWANTED Terrapins ending up dumped in ponds and rivers once they started to grow from small cute critters to large snapping horrors. Many faced the ultimate sacrifice...... being flushed down the drains..... ! VERY IRONIC indeed.
The toy range grew and grew, and after the comics and the cartoon series came the video games and the Movies.
The original Heroes in a Half Shell are due back on our screen very soon, with a new TV show or possible Movie outting.. Many of us remember the first time we ventured into the sewers of New York City to enjoy TURTLE POWER , lets hope the next generation still enjoys the antics of Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and Raphael