Wednesday, 3 August 2022

YESTERDAYS HEROES ONCE MORE Part Eighty Five....... It is Time for Timeatron to tell his Tale.

 The Doctor and Reggie had been discovered inside this "New" Tardis or Time Capsule that had belonged to The Red Eyed Monk. What they now had discovered that The Red Eyed Monk, did not have Red Eyes and was actually a Time Lord who called himself Timeatron.

Timeatron was annoyed to find strangers inside his Capsule, but once finding out that one of those was the Time Lord call The Doctor made him most excited.

Although The Doctor did not know Timeatron in this point of his life, Timeatron informed him that one of his future selves would meet him. This meeting would end in Timeatron's Time Capsule being thrown back in time and ending up Hundreds of Million Years, crash landing and stranded on Planet Earth.... but this was a different Earth, an Earth in a different dimension.  A dimension that Time Lords never existed.

The Damaged Time Capsule was now unable to travel in time due to its Time Circuits being destroyed in the crash.  Timeatron knew that unless he was able to make repairs he and his Time Capsule could never have a chance to reach a future time period where the then current technology would be any use in his repairs. His craft was able to move around the Planet, but no longer able to leave it.

He had devised a plan. He would go into stasis for as long as possible and hope in the time he had slept the Time Capsule repair system could repair some of the systems that had been damaged in initial crash.  After his long sleeps, which would be approximately 5,000 years,  Timeatron  would awake to see what if any progress had been made. His then current body was now near its time to regenerate. As he had already had 6 regenerations, he knew that even live a few days every 5,000 years or so.... he would died long before he could reach a suitable time period that could aid him.

However, when he had woken up from one of his long sleep, he found that the repair circuits had managed to repair a small part of the Time Circuits..... But this repair was very unstable... and Timeatron believed if he did not take this opportunity at this time, there would be no guarantee that if he went back into Stasis that when he next awoke this repair would still be working. 

So devising a plan that involved his Time Capsule being super charged by electricity coming from lightning he relocated his craft and awaited a lightning strike.

Unfortunately, during the perfect storm Timeatron's body had started to regenerate. This would mean that if this happened he maybe not capable to throw the switch to operate the Time Circuits. It was now too late to stop the process, so Timeatron had taken drastic steps to stop his regeneration using a untested drug he had stolen from the Time Lords themselves.

The drug had stopped the regeneration allowing him time to channel the electric current that  had struck one of his lightning rods directing it  straight into the Time Circuit as planned. 

Then Timeatron pulled the lever to activate the Time Circuit.

 Then before Timeatron had time to set course. 

..........another explosion that lit up the control room resulting in him being blasted backwards across the control room  floor where he had passed out.

Timeatron, showed the Doctor these events that had been recorded on internal scanners. 

The final shot showed what the blast of energy had done to the Control Console and the damage it had done to some of the systems that were housed behind the roundels on the walls.

Timeatron then continued his story. He switched to a shot of him laying on the floor " See Doctor that blast that shot me across the room appears to be as a result of another lightning strike. As you can see my body looks like it is burning.  This next view shows me later laying on the floor, as you can see my Zero Suit has been damaged, the belt has partly melted but surprisingly my body shows no sign of injury. After I managed to get to my feet I surveyed the damage to my control room and console. I could see there had been a fire, but the repair circuit had managed to start repairs. I wondered how long I had been unconscious. Some of this information I put together from the facts I could see. It was not until I got the Internal sensors back on line I got to see the big picture. ..... But  I will come back to that later. "

" Before I could investigate what had really happen and where I was, I decided I needed to remove my Zero Suit and make sure I did not have any sustained any serious injury. I walked into my cabin. A few things had been upended and over turned, but all in all my quarters were intact. I looked into the mirror that was still hanging on the wall and I could see that the glass in my helmet was cracked and some of the glass shards had penetrated inside. Again I had been lucky as none of these appeared to have cut my face. Taking off the helmet a large piece of glass fell to the floor. I bent down and picked it up. To my surprise I could see one end was covered in a brownish stain. Was this dried blood ? I thought to myself. I looked at my reflection in mirror again. No cuts or bruises were visible. I striped off the rest of my Zero Suit. Where the suit was damaged yet again no scars but inside again there appeared to show evidence of dried blood also. Had my body actually regenerated, but if so why did I look the same ?. I was still the same old man I had been before the accident. Regeneration meant a new body, or so I had always believed. "

"I pulled on some clothes that were scattered around my cabin, and returned to the main control room."

"I noticed on the floor where I had laid was one of the levers from the Control Console. The lever I had been holding at the time of the blast. I picked it up. It showed signs of what appeared to be dried blood. I walked over to the Control Console. The lifting platform was a ground level. So stepping onto it I raised the platform up so I could look at the controls. I replaced the lever that I had been holding to its rightful position. It still worked. Then I studied the controls. Not all of them appeared to be fully operational, but the device that could tell me when and where my Time Capsule and I had ended up was functional. I looked at the dials. It was Earth,  somewhere Egypt in the year 1525. The time of the Great Pharaohs was now long passed. This land now was ruled by what would know as the Ottoman Empire. Although this was a time of many wars, some scientific advances had been made.... but none I believed would benefit me in making repairs to my time capsule."

" I deduced that I could find more to my needs in Medieval Europe. Technology was limited but advances had been made in generating power from the wind and water to drive Windmills and Water Wheels. At that time the building of great churches had begun, and Iron and other Metals had started to be worked as things other than weapons. I knew I needed to relocate. I was overjoyed to see that my Time Capsule was still able to move from where I  was on the Planet..... but first I needed to take a overview of what systems were and were not now operational. The Time Circuit I knew would have been now completely destroyed when I jumped ahead in time. I had jumped Millions of years forward, the strain of some of the other systems would not have been kind to my craft."

" As the main viewer screen was not operational, I could not see what was outside. The ships location device told me where and when  I was, but it could not tell me if  I could be buried deep underground, on the side of a cliff or in an underground river. The External Force Field was operational, but barely. The Ships Chameleon  circuit was off line, so was my Time Capsule visible to on lookers.  I need to make repairs. I looked at my Stasis Unit that was stored in my work room. It was still operational but had sustained some damage. It would need repairs, but I did not want to go back into stasis until I knew where I was. It would not be safe at this point.  I had plenty to eat and drink. So aided by the inbuilt repair system I made what repairs I needed."

" Time meant nothing to me. I found I could work for hours at a time. I never seemed to tire. Finally I got the viewer screen to work. I got the first view of what was outside. All I could see was sand and blue skies. I had landed in a desert. So although the location was not great, it was not a dangerous environment. The Solar panels were not charging properly, so I knew at some time I would need to get outside to look at repairing those. Also with a clear view of the skies I knew that I could now map my exact location via the Stars at night, which would help matters. The Heat outside would be too hot during the day, and at night it could fall below freezing. My Zero Suit was ruined, and although  I could try to repair it I chose not too. I finally managed to get the internal and external atomic clocks back on line to find that Time appeared to be running slower inside the Time Capsule than it was on the outside.  "

" That's not possible " Announced The Doctor.

"But it was Doctor" Timeatron said smiling. He continued " At first I thought one of both of them had been damaged in the crash. Over time both inside and outside managed to re-balance themselves.   I eventually managed to get a bit more footage of what had happened to me from the internal senors. "

 Timeatron flicked a button on his had held the device. The screen  showed him as he managed to activate the Time Circuits at the time of the initial lighting strike, but a second one had directly hit the Roof of the Time Capsule moments later. This would result in super energizing the Time Circuits.  Unable to containing all this energy most of it passed through into the Central Console and onto Timeatron who was standing close to it.. This flung him across the room hitting the wall behind. From the picture it showed Timeatron laying motionless on the floor. He was bleeding, his stomach was burnt. The lever he had been holding from the  Control Console was now embedded through his arm and piercing his knee.

" I was dead Doctor " Timeatron whispered. " Then this happened" he said clicking the button again.

The screen showed Timeatron's body starting to glow. What first looked like fire was in fact regenerational energy. The Doctor had seen others of his kind regenerate, but had never seen such a vast amount of energy dispel. The energy seemed to grow and grow until, it exploded outwards into the control room, like an ocean wave.

Then the screen went blank, the energy wave must have overloaded the internal sensors.

Timeatron looked the Doctor straight in the eyes and said" This next scene shows me just before I awoke. As you can see my body shows no sign of trauma. Although the damage to my Zero Suit shows that my body was subjected to being hit by a great force. All my injuries had healed themselves. I had regenerated, but in a unusual way.  Instead of regenerating and having a new body, my old body had repaired itself. "

Pushing the control button again the picture changed to show Timeatron standing up and surveying the situation. Many of the Roundels on the walls had dislodged themselves. Showing the control systems that lay behind. There were cables hanging from the ceiling. The Control Room was a mess.  It was unclear if this was a result of the energy from the second lightning strike, or from the energy that Timeatron had released when he regenerated.

" After being hit by the energy wave, I believed I had laid on the floor for a matter of hours.... but if you look at the time index that was recorded before and after the event I discovered it had been more than 12 months between incidences. Further more I would later discover that any injury I sustained  from this time on would heal almost instantly, but not un the same explosive way it had the first time.  It seemed that now I could not die. However, the down side is although my body does not age anymore, I am stuck inside this frail hideous shell for ever. It seems immortality does come at a price. " Timeatron said shaking his head.

" It must have been the combination of the Drug you took, your Time Lords genetics and having absorbed all the energy that had been channeled through your Capsules Time Circuits." The Doctor said scratching his head.

" Anyone would be a fool if they would envy me, and my new existence.  I have learnt over the years since my accident that my immortal body does not require food or water. I no longer need sleep, or need to rest. My hearts no longer beat.  I look like I am alive, but in fact this is just a dead body that still functions. In the past I have attempted to kill myself as I do not want to continue this existence. I have paid people to murder me, I have even  been beheaded twice.... but each time my body repairs itself."  Timeatron looked down at his old withered hands.

" However, I did have a goal. I knew one day I would be able to leave this horrible  planet, and get revenge on the person that put me here.  Once repairs were sufficient for me to change location, I moved to Medieval England. I located a small village where I found a family who I influenced to let me stay with them."

" Influenced them ? " Questioned The Doctor

 " Well Doctor, when you have a talent like mine you use it " Timeatron laughed his eyes changing Red for a few seconds.

" Don't try that on me !" Barked the Doctor turning his head.

" I doubt it would work on you Doctor" Timeatron said in a sarcastic tone . Then he continued his story.

" I had chosen this family as the Father was the local Blacksmith, so I used him to make items I needed to make repairs to my stasis machine. In turn I used some of my knowledge to help improve his forges productivity without raising any suspicion from any of the local villagers. I knew I would need to go into to stasis from time to time to hopefully allow myself to jump forward a few years without having to actually live every day. The Stasis unit since becoming damaged now could only allow me approximately 10 years rest bite before its power cells needed recharging. This was not perfect, but I was hopeful that as years went on I could make further repairs. The other villagers accepted me as a relative of the Blacksmith.  When I was not working on my repairs I would look at improving the lives of the locals. I instructed them how they could use the local river as a source of power. I drew plans and helped them construct a water wheel. I instructed them in new ways to raise crops to feed themselves better. I even dabbled in basic medicine and cures for them. I did find some satisfaction in this, but my ultimate goal was being able to leave Earth."

" When I had finally managed to repair my Status Unit so it would function again, I made my farewells to the family I had lived with. I had instructed the Blacksmith that he should continue his work and train his two son's to follow in his foot steps. I told them I would return one day, and would look forward to seeing them all again. In the middle of the night I entered my Time Capsule that was disguised a part of one of the walls in the basement. Once inside I entered my Stasis Unit.  I slept for almost 12 Years, better than I had expected. I reintroduced myself to The Blacksmiths Family and life continued the same. I would do repairs then go into stasis. This lasted for about 40 years when I realized  that people I knew in the village had nearly all died or had gotten old. I still looked the same. I needed to move location before anyone started to ask questions. So this time before going into status I relocated to another village over 100 miles away. I found another Blacksmith's Forge and started the process again. I did this for the next 270 years moving from place to place after a number of years. Although I had spent nearly 300 years in this time period, in fact  I lived only around 6 years out of Stasis. Then in the year 1799 I relocated to United States of America. After years of war this New Nation would hopefully give me much better opportunities  " Timeatron smiled 

" This was when you started playing with the Time Scoop ? " interrupted The Doctor.

"Ah ! you know about my little device Doctor ?. Yes another of my treasures borrowed from the Black Museum on Gallifrey. It was most useful. I could bring people and things from Earth's Past to help me in the Time Period I was living at the time. It was a shame that it was in part powered by my ships Time Circuits. I has managed to repair part of it, but this would only allow me to travel backwards in time. Which was something I did not want to do.  Repairs were still going far too slow.... But if I could manage to go into Stasis for a few hundred years, I would be nearer reaching my goal of finding a time when modern technology I could afford me a chance to finally make good my Time Machine.  And that brings me where we are today.  My Time Capsule is still far from being able to travel in  time..... but that does not matter now, does it Doctor ? "  Timeatron cackled. 

" What do you mean ? You still cannot leave this planet can you ?. You do not have the means or the ability to do this in your damaged Time Capsule ?"  The Doctor said excitedly.

" Why do I need  to waste anymore time repairing this Time Machine, when I know there is a fully functional Time Machine located somewhere in San Francisco that I can use. " Shouted Timeatron

" My Tardis, My Tardis !, I won't help you ! I won't let you use my Tardis ! I won't allow it ! " The Doctor was getting annoyed again.

 " Oh, I don't need your help or any permission my dear Doctor. You must have gathered by now, I always take what I want ! Always ! " As Timeatron spat out these words, he glared directly at the Doctor.


Then Timeatron's eyes started to glow RED.

What happens next ? Will Timeatron use his Hypnotic Mind Powers on The Doctor ? Will he manage to Steal The Tardis ?

Come Back Next Time for the Answers

Until the Enjoy ! 


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