Wednesday, 6 January 2021

YESTERDAYS HEROES ONCE MORE. Part Forty ... New Friends and Old Friends

 The Doctor was in discussion with The Blue Falcon when  Space Ghost, Jack, Phooey and the Twins entered through the internal doors. Jack Bowed, and Phooey gave the thumbs up after shutting the open door. 

"Uncle Falcon" the Twins shouted in unison and ran towards The Blue Falcon.

They were please to see him. It had been an age since they had seen him. A few years previous fate had  thrown the Phantom Cruiser through a worm hole when they , Space Ghost and Blip had arrived in the past. It had taken many weeks for Space Ghost along with the Falcon's Friends at Quest Laboratories to discover a way home for them.  In that Time Space Ghost teamed up with the Blue Falcon on many cases.

"where's Dyno- Mutt " Asked Jace

" Having repairs at the moment" relied The Falcon in a more softer tone that what he had been using earlier.

"Back in Big City with Dr Quest?" asked a disappointed Jan

"No right here in The Tardis" answered The Falcon. 

"Can we go and help ?" said Jace

"If its okay with the Doctor, then YES" continued The Falcon

The Doctor nodded and Jace & Jan ran back through the internal doors on the way to the Lab.

The Doctor then introduced The Blue Falcon to Jack & Phooey and told them about Dyno-Mutt.

" A talking Robotic Dog !" Said Phooey..."What will they think of next ? " He continued.

The Doctor  had noticed that Jan & Jace were no longer wearing their face masks. So he made a suggestion. Whilst here on the Tardis, no more secret identities. He wanted to build a family of friends. We all come from different times, so little risk would result if they removed their masks the Doctor added. 

They all agreed. And one by one all who worn a Mask removed it.

First it was Hong Kong Phooey...... He had taken his off when he was in the swimming pool with the Twins and Jack earlier in. He took off of his mask and introduced himself as Penrod Pooch, but his friends called him Penry. 

"And by the way has the room got bigger again ?" he asked

"Yes, the Tardis adapts to our needs, she does it all by herself, Clever Girl " The Doctor  said patting the wall in a loving way. 

Then it was The Space Ghosts turn. Pulling back his Cowl, "my real name is Thaddeus Back" he said. Everyone there knew this already, so it was not a real secret.

Next it was The Blue Falcon, Pulling back his Cowl he presented himself as Radley Crowne.

"What's Your real name ? "asked Samurai Jack looking at the Doctor

"AH, "said The Doctor " We Time Lords can never disclose our real names" he continued. "We some times do when and if we marry, and then only to our spouse "He added.

"I have been called JACK, for so long I do not even remember my birth name " Whispered Samurai Jack.

The Doctor  turned and addressed his team mates. He discussed where they were heading and what they were going to do when they got there.

Next find out the plan, and if it was successful

Until Then ENJOY !


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