Saturday, 7 March 2020

Yesterdays Heroes once more. Part Fifteen .... Now for the Truth

The Doctor had agreed to tell his companions about some of the secrets behind some of the different artifacts that he held in his private museum.  He had only used this as a ploy to get Samurai Jack and Hong Kong Phooey to return the weapons they had borrowed.

After they had done this, the Doctor had hoped by telling the two about some of the other items on display, that they would forget about some of the items that they had removed.

Some of the Items discussed

However, Jack and Phooey had listened with interest as the Doctor told them about some of the other items, but now the troublesome duo wanted answers about the Sword, Dagger, Spear and Helmet. By their actions the removal of these items from the Museum had greatly upset the Doctor. But which ?

The Weapons in Question

"Are you sure you want to hear about those items " Said the Doctor

"Yes" replied the Companions

The Doctor Looked about the room,and muttered to himself.

What was he looking for thought Jack.

"Fine" Said the Doctor. "I remember now" he said pointing to a shall alcove to the side of the Museum.

"That is where we need to go !" said the Doctor moving quickly to the place he had indicated.

Jack and Phooey looked on in amazement as the Doctor walked up to the wall and stopped.

What was the Doctor looking for  ?

Find out next Time

Until then    ENJOY


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