Damion Wayne had many issues with his life. His parents were far from being conventional by any ones measure. His Mother Talia was the daughter of a villain and herself a leader of a group of international assassins. His Father Bruce was a Millionaire who in his private would fight crime as a Vigilante.
His actual existence was more a case of a science project than love. Being initially brought up by his Mother to be the best assassin ever was how the young Damion spent his early years. The love most youngsters would normally received was replaced by extreme training, and physical combat and schooling in the art of death and murder. No love appeared to have been shown to Damion, his only pleasure seems to have been from remaining alive though out his training regime.
When Damion was finally allowed to meet his Father as a young pre teenager, he had little respect for anyone, especially dear old Dad. However, he was intrigued with his Fathers work as the Batman, and very soon wanted to be part of his Dad's life. OK Damion did think that Batman was not as hard as he could be with his enemies. Batman did not kill, and Damion believed that if Batman really wanted to rid the Streets of such villains as the Joker, Two Face and The Penguin etc, a bullet to the head would be a better result than imprisonment.
Bruce. Batman knew that Damion had the prudential to be a good crime fighter, but before he could endorse his son as his partner, Damion would need to learn some important lessons. Killing was BAD, Pointless Maiming was BAD and a Cavalier approach to Rules and breaking them was Bad and unacceptable .
Damion tried to undermine his "Brother" Tim as much as possible. He thought Tim was a weak person, and not right in his mind to be ROBIN. Batman disagreed, Tim was ideal as Robin. Dick Grayson was physically better, and had made the blue print of how a Robin should be, Jason Todd, had had some good qualities but overall he was damaged by his upbringing and past, leading to him dying as a result of breaking rules. Stephanie Brown had only been a temporary replacement for Tim, so in her case was not really considered a Robin. For now Bruce was content with Tim being his Robin, and if Damion wanted to one day take on that role he needed to make some improvements and adjustments to his attitude and overall behaviour.
However, after Bruce's apparent death, and after a lot of fighting between members of the Batman Family, Dick Grayson became the new holder of the Title BATMAN.
His first act as the New Caped Crusader was to appoint Damion as his "New" Boy Wonder. This usurping of him from the role he loved was a shock to Tim Drake. Tim had idolised Dick from a young boy, and he would have done anything to be Robin to Dick's BATMAN. However, after Dick explained to Tim that he felt that Tim was now ready to evolve into his own hero, he was more than the AND ROBIN, he could make a name for himself. Damion on the other hand needed the chance to become Robin, just to prove that he had the potential as he was after all the real Son of The Batman. Bruce had left various instruction regarding what to do in the event of his death, and one was for Dick to continue training Damion, and Dick believed that what better way to do this would be to have the youngster serve his apprenticeship along side him as "HIS" Robin.
Taking a view that Damion would be a "new" Robin, would reflect in how he would be dressed. Dick had slightly updated the Bat Suit he would wear, but as far as everyone was concerned the man behind the Bat Cowl and Cape remained the same.
Dick Grayson was now Batman, but that was a secret. |
With Damion it was a different matter, he was much younger than the now young adult Tim, a smaller frame, so people would know he was not the same Robin. BUT as most people knew that The Original Robin had gone onto becoming Nightwing, a change in Robin would be acceptable. The colours were darker, and the design was in part left to young Damion, but over all it was a modern twist on the Classic look.
Damion was now ROBIN in the Hood. |
Tim would take on the title Red Robin, a role that had been briefly adopted by the now resurrected Jason Todd aka Red Hood.
Good Bye Robin....... Enter RED ROBIN |
As Red Robin Tim found that Dick was right to force him to evolve into his own hero, this had worked for Dick when he became Nightwing. Red Robin continued to lead the newest version of the Teen Titans. Stephanie Brown would also play a part in his life again. In another one of Bruce's dying wishes, he had requested that Cassandra Cain pass her Batgirl role onto The Spoiler and former Robin Stephanie. And under the control and leadership of Oracle aka Barbara Gordon, The "New" Batgirl complement the "NEW" Red Robin as the next generation of the Batman Family.
Tim and Stephanie together again but as new heroes |
Next time the end of Damion.
Until then ENJOY !