Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Yesterdays Heroes Once More. Part Eighty One ... A Parting of the Ways

 The Doctor and his Party had finally arrived at Candlestick Park with the help by their new friend Duke "Duck" Bill. 

The Car Park was empty, as it was too early for any of tonight's audience to be arriving. This should make locating Johnny Ringo easier the Doctor thought.

Duck had parked near to the main Ticket Office, as he knew that door would allow the Doctor into the Stadium. 

As the everyone exited the Taxi The Doctor turned to Duck and shook him firmly by the hand. 

"How Much do we owe you ?" said the Doctor

"Nothing Doctor, the Hotel has an account with Checkmate Taxi's and would have already made the payment to the Office. I will get my cut when I return to the Office tomorrow. " Duck replied.

" You deserve a Tip, to say Thank You from us " The Doctor said reaching in to his pocket.

He placed $10 dollars in Duck's hand, this was some of the Money the Doctor had received earlier from the Pawn Brokers. 

"It's Too Much " said Duck trying to give the Money back.

"You deserve it, anyway if my tip for betting on Blue Box does not bring you any money, at least you will not be out of pocket " The Doctor said smiling.

Duck accepted the Money.

Then The Doctor reached inside his Jacket and brought out an envelope, it was same one that Manny had given him back at the Hotel.

"What's this ?" asked Duck puzzled

"It is a Thank You for you charming Daughter" the Doctor replied

Duck took the envelope and opened it. From inside he withdrew a Black and Photo of  The Impossibles.

He looked at it, and then began to open the Envelope that was not sealed. He peaked at what was inside and gave a gasp.

They had all signed it and had written "To Dora, Thank You From the Impossibles.


Duck laughed " Dora will be blown away by this !"

"Well that was the promise I made to you earlier today" smiled the Doctor. He continued "There is something else in the envelope for her also. It was the Boys idea"

Duck put his hand back into the envelope, this time he withdrew some smaller pieces of paper. Turning them over Duck could see that there were tickets for tonight's concert.

"Four Tickets" The Doctor exclaimed. " Maybe Dora could take you and your wife and a friend" he suggested. The Doctor continued " The Boys said that if there is time they may invite you all back stage after the concert."  He hoped that the concert would go off without a hitch and the incident with Johnny Ringo and the Robbery would never happen.

Duck just stood silent, and just looked at the tickets. He was lost for words. After a minute he placed the Tickets along with the signed Photograph back into the envelope. Then looking up at the Doctor with a tear in his eye finally spoke.

" Thank You, you have made my Girl the happiest person in the world. " Duck said them he stepped forward and hugged the Doctor, then Phooey, Jack and Reggie.

The Doctor was a little taken aback by this, as he was not one for being emotional himself.  Jack was not used to this type of physical contact either,.... However he understood the sentiment. Phooey just giggled and Reggie licked Duck's face and barked, as he knew that he was not to speak in public. 

Duck reached into his top pocket and withdrew a small card.

" Here, this has the number of the Taxi Office on it. If you have need of my services again, you can contact me via Checkmate Cabs"  He said handing it to the Doctor.

The Doctor took the card and smiled. " Goodbye Mr Bill, Thank you for everything" The Doctor said shaking Duck's hand again. 

Jack and Phooey did the same. Reggie jumped up and licked Duck's face and barked again.... and with that the foursome turned and walked towards the door marked Ticket Office. 

Duck got into his Cab .  He placed the envelope carefully on the seat beside him and turn the ignition, and Bessie sprang into life and lurched forward.  Duck was off to collect his daughter Dora, who he knew would be still outside the Star Hotel awaiting a glimpse of The Impossibles as soon they would leaving the to go to the Concert Venue. She would of course want to go home and change if she was going to be seeing her favorite band.

As he headed back to Hotel he remembered that the Horse Race had now began.  He turned on his cars radio. 
"  500/1 "  Duck said laughing. "It will never win!, anyway I have had a nice day." he continued.

 His day was only going to get better, even if he did not know of it yet.

What happens next..... Will the Doctor solve the Mystery of Johnny Ringo ? Will he solve the Mystery of the Flashing Light on the Tardis' console ? and would he find out the identity of the man in the hood, that  Johnny Ringo had told the Police about ?

Hopefully all these Questions will be answered next time.

So until then ..... ENJOY !

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