Saturday, 5 February 2022

Yesterdays Heroes Once More... Part Seventy Four... Meetings and Misunderstandings

 The Doctor and his team had finally reached them location they had spent most of the day travelling to. Now standing behind the closed door in front of them was their goal...... The Super Heroes called The Impossibles.

The Doctor took the hotel pass key out of his pocket, and as he whispered " Stand By " to his team mates he placed the Key into the Key Hole.

He cleared his throat, and tapped on the door and announced " Room Service "

From inside a voice replied " Come In "

The Doctor Turned the Key and then turning the Door Knob he pushed open the door.

Then as quick as a flash Phooey Rushed through the opening followed by the Doctor who then closed the door behind them. They were inside the Hotel Suite of Rooms at last.

The Room was large full of seating. A number of doors lead off of the room. Well this was a suite of rooms after all. There was only one person other than The Doctor and Phooey in this room.

 The Doctor identified him as the one called Fluid Man.  The Young Raven headed Guy was dressed in causal clothes and was sitting in one of the Chairs and had been reading a sheet of Music when The Doctor and Phooey had entered. He glanced up and smiled.

At first he looked a bit surprised even puzzled at the rushed entrance of the the two into the room. He looked down at his Music again  and then said. " I do not remember ordering any room service ! " he questioned.

"No you did not. " Replied the Doctor who had moved beside his trolley.

" Oh it must have been one of the other boys "   The Raven headed guy nodded to himself. He looked down at his sheet of music again. " You can place the Trolleys over there " he said pointing a finger to the other side of the room. He did not look up as he was  once again engrossed with the sheet of music. 

The Doctor smiled and said. " Well this is a little bit embarrassing really. There is not any food or refreshments on the food trolleys. To be honest we all came to see you "

The Raven headed man glanced up and looked slightly puzzled. "Ok, so what is under the platter covers ? " he said looking at the domed platter covers on each of the Trolleys 

The Doctor returned to his original position behind his trolley and then nodded to Phooey. They then both placed their hands on to handles of the Domes in front of them.

" Well this is Penry, and my name is The Doctor." he announced

"And I would like you to meet Reggie and Jack" he continued as both he and Phooey lifted the Domes off of the Trolleys.

There was nothing there. The Raven Headed Guy stood up and now he could see the two circle holes had been cut through each of the trolleys. These had been obscured by the Domes.

Then two heads started to raise from out of the voids. It was Jack and Reggie

"Greetings, it is hot under here " said Jack nodding his head with a bow.

"Hello, who ordered a Hot Dog ? " said Reggie giggling.

The Musician looked on in amazement as the heads of a Strange looking Blond Man and a Dog emerged slowly up out of the holes. " What ? Why ? Sorry, who are you again ? ....... and did that Dog just speak ?" The confused Band Member muttered not believing what he was seeing or hearing. 

" As I have already said, My name is the Doctor, and my friends  and I are here to see you as we want to recruit you " The Doctor tried to explain. " And yes , Reggie can talk " he added

"But he should have stayed silent until instructed by The Master Doctor to be otherwise " added Jack giving Reggie a disapproving stare,

" Recruit me ? Recruit the Band ? Sorry I do not understand!  Why ?" The now completely confused musician was starting to get a little  nervous and flustered. " You want me to play a concert for you" he continued trying to make a little sense of this bazaar meeting.

"How did you cut those holes through the metal trolleys, and Why ?" asked the Musician.

" I used my eye lazers of course, I thought it would make more room under the trolley " replied Reggie in a boastful manner his eyes flashed red at the same time.

" Reggie please be quite, you are not helping " said The Doctor. He then continued

" Well, we really want to recruit all of you..... all  three of you " The Doctor added

" But we really need the other three of you ? " Phooey chipped in . Which confused the matter further.

Reggie and Jack had by now climbed out from under the trolleys and now stood side by side with The Doctor and Phooey.  Jack was waving his Umbrella around in his hand as the cramped space under the trolley had made his arm feel numb. He was thrashing his arm back and forth trying to loosen it up. Reggie was finding this very amusing and was laughing.  

This further made the Musician nervous. Also he was thinking back to what had been said and what he had seen. The Chef called himself a Doctor ?  a Doctor What ? Was he some mad scientist ? 

 The Musician had  noticed that the little Bell Boy was  now standing with his very over sized hands in a strange position. Was he planing to attack ? 

Then there was the talking dog !  Now he was not just talking but he was now laughing as he looked at the Blond Surfer Dude !

  The Surfer Dude was not looking very amused as now the dog was laughing so much he was beginning to cry. The Dog tried to stifle his chuckles by covering his mouth with his paws.

The Surfer Dude looked like he was going to explode, but he just looked away whilst he continued to shake his umbrella at the Dog.

The Musician did not really understand what was happening... but what he really wanted to know was ... Why was the Surfer carrying a Blue Umbrella in the first place ?

 Could these strangers be some of the Agents of F.E.A.R.  that the Impossibles Boss Big D briefed them about before they traveled to San Francisco ?

"  I demand to know , Are you Agents of F.E.A.R ?"  The Musician asked  " Are you their Master ? Are you  Doctor Zin " he shouted the question towards The Doctor, who had been called Master by the Surfer Dude earlier.

" Calm Down Young man... No we are not part of that Terrorist Organization or Agents of Inter-Nation. Yes I am called The Doctor, but I have no knowledge of any  Doctor Who is called  Zin.... But what I do know is you are also known as Fluid Man  "  replied  The Doctor seeing that this matter was now getting out of hand.

Fluid Man thought for a second, but then realized that his and the Bands secret identities had some how  been compromised. The Doctor had mentioned Inter-Nation, the secret organisation that he and the other  Impossibles worked for. This was also a worry, as no one outside the secret organisation knew of its existence.

What was he going to do ? Stay and fight or run ? 

Knowing that he needed to do something to protect himself and the other Impossibles, The now outed Fluid  Man shouted out " Rally Ho !" as he started to transform into a watery form. He hoped his team mates would respond when they heard their Battle Cry.

The Doctor and his team look on as Fluid Man started to turn into FLUID !

 Then One of the other doors in the room was then flung open.

 It was the other two members of the group. Seeing that their team mate was in some sort of trouble they both sprang into action. Coil Man literally springing  towards the strange dog that was now barking at Fluid Man. "Rally Ho" they both shouted as they embarked to help their friend.

Multi Man quickly became many and raced  tackle his target... The Bell Boy 

By this time Fluid Man was now completely transformed into his Watery form. He launch an attack at the other two members of the group. The Chef and The Surfer Dude aka The Doctor and Samurai Jack.

Just as a torrent of water was about to  hit both the Doctor and Jack, Jack pointed his Katana, which was still disguised at a Blue Umbrella out in front of him. He pushed the Special Diamond Button..... and the Umbrella opened just in time to deflect most of the Water away from him and the Doctor.

 Jack quickly  pushed the Doctor to safety on to the seating behind.

Seconds later Multi Man  and his duplicates attempted to surround the little Bell Boy who was making Karate Chopping movements with his hands. 


In the end Phooey knew that the more he tried to beat back  Multi Man , more duplicates kept appearing before him. In was fruitless But he continued fighting.

Before the water hit, Reggie   had fired up the Jet Rockets in his feet and soared towards Coil Man barking and snarling . Coil Man  had bounced off of one of the far walls was now moving quickly towards the barking dog. " Good Doggie, I hope you won't bite me " he sniggered.

This enraged Reggie, He knew he was a Good Dog.... The Blue Falcon told him that all the time. He may now be a Mad Dog, but Never a Bad one.

After the Doctor had fallen backwards onto the Green Couch behind him, he lay there dazed as he watched on in horror.

He Watched as Hong Kong Phooey went hand to hand with around twenty Multi Men, 

Dyno - Mutt grappled with Coil Man, both trying to wrap their coils around each other.  The Doctor was a bit alarmed how both of them seemed to take great pleasure out of punching each other.

Meanwhile Samurai Jack fought off the Watery attacks from Fluid Man with his Katana which no longer looked like an Umbrella..... but he wished it did !

"Hey, Surfer Dude, I thought that your kind liked getting wet ! " Laughed Fluid Man as he blasted Jack again and again 

Jack stayed silent, I did not like getting wet at all, and he wondered what a Surfer Dude was ?

What was The Doctor going to do ? if he did not stop this someone would end up getting hurt or worse. His plan was falling apart at the seems.

 What should or could the Time Lord do ?. 

Indeed, what will the Doctor do ?

Find out next time.

Until then ENJOY !

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